Pricing (Gammel)

New customers should expect the following setup costs:

  1. Hardware equipment (Customers can choose to purchase their own equipment with a shopping list provided by Tivilo)
  2. Installation (Price per unit)
  3. Configuration of Tivilo for the relevant facility
  4. An annual price for the usage of Tivilo
  5. Optional side projects paid on a hourly basis

Our current pricing is as follows:

Hardware Installation Annual price
Vehicle unit 3.415 DKK 1.895 DKK 25 DKK per student*
Instructor unit / Observer unit 3.995 DKK 0 DKK
Monitoring solution 10.400 DKK 2.295 DKK

* Our current minimum number of students when calculating prices is 3000 students per year

Configuration of Tivilo for the facility
7.850 DKK
Optional Hourly price
Development of custom Tivilo education material 900 DKK per hour
Adjustments to our standard maneuvers package
Development of new custom features

Prices for hardware equipment and installations depend on the number of units and monitoring solutions, and whether the customer wants to purchase our standard hardware package or purchase the equipment themselves.

The annual system price is pre-paid. The pre-paid amount is calculated by multiplying the price per student (25 DKK) with the number of students at the facility in the previous year. An example is shown below:

3000 students the previous year * 25 DKK = 75.000 DKK

At the end of the year, the precise number of students that used the facility is calculated, and the yearly price is adjusted retrospectively.

If the customer requests additional project work, a time and cost estimate is supplied per project. The customer approves before any such project work begins.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our pricing.  You can find our contact information at the bottom of the page.